Why use ZSH?

Why use ZSH?

We are going go through the process of setting up ZSH and Oh My Zsh on Mac and WSL2’s Ubuntu 20.04

ZSH is a replacement shell for Linux and Mac terminals. ZSH can do everything that BASH can do plus more. In fact the latest version of MacOS (Big Sur) actually defaults to the ZSH shell.

Styling VS Code

Styling VS Code

I provide fonts, icons, and themes for adjusting the look of VS Code

I’m going to give some options for styling your vscode. We use VS Code daily, all day long. Why not set the icons, fonts, and theme to a style you like best? Your eyes will thank you!

Using Two Fonts in VS Code

Using Two Fonts in VS Code

I give directions on using two fonts simultaneously in VS Code

I love the code ligatures of JetBrains Mono and Fira Code, but I was disappointed at the subtle italics. I also didn’t want to shell out $199 for a font like Operator Mono. I, therefore, found a better option. Using two coding fonts with ligatures.


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