Interview Safe VS Code Extensions I Like

I provide a list of my some of my favorite useful (interview safe) extensions

This is a collections of extensions that enhances or speeds up development but not to the extent that we can’t pass certain kinds of technical interviews.

Before installing any extension, at the minimum, you should always read the overview of an extension to see:

  1. The capabilities of the extension
  2. How to use it. There may be settings to update.

The videos are demos/brief descriptions, on average 1.5 minutes long {:.note}

  • this unordered seed list will be replaced by the toc {:toc}

Extensions that make me more productive

Auto Rename Tags

  • Easily rename HTML/JSX/XML tags

Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - This addon has been depreciated - read below to setup built in equivalent

  • This will make brackets be colorized so that you can easily visually find the matching closing bracket for every open bracket or find ones that are missing their closing bracket.
  • Brackets are - [], (), {}


  1. Open the command palette using one of the following keyboard shortcuts
  • Windows: Ctrl+Shift+P)
  • Mac: Shift + CMD + P
  1. Type “open settings”
  2. You are presented with options, find and select Preferences: Open Settings (JSON)
  3. Add the following to the JSON file within the outer {}
"editor.bracketPairColorization.enabled": true,

Code Spell Checker

  • A basic spell checker that works with programming including, in camelCase or snake case variable names
  • Make your comments & variable more professional due to the lack of spelling errors
  • If you are like me, staring at code often makes me question the spelling of things, and having this gives me a sanity check

Duplicate action

  • Adds ability to duplicate files and directories in VS Code from the file explorer.


  • This allows you to see indent levels via colors visually.

Live Server

  • When you work on a simple website, this will cause the browser to auto-refresh every time you save your work. This way you can see your latest changes quicker

Live Share

  • Share your coding session including the codebase, any locally running terminal you can, when configured, even access a running webserver
  • Useful for when working with instructors, mentors, or even when pair-coding remotely
  • Every participant gets to use their VS Code, with THEIR font size, font, colors etc. Way better than screen sharing for this reason


  • I frequently see vscode or an extension spaz out. I used to quit and restart VS Code, but no more.
  • Really simple addon that will add a reload button to your status bar on the bottom.


  • As they put it, it’ll allow you to “tab out of quotes, brackets, etc for Visual Studio Code.”

Todo Tree

  • Make a to-do list, inside of VS Code based on your code comments!
  • This will work with comments that contain the word TODO or FIXME
  • Useful for your projects

Live Server

  • When you work on a plain website, using VS Code, this will cause the browser to auto-refresh every time you save your work. This way you can see your latest changes quicker.

Other Extensions

Coding Time Trackers

Are you like me, someone who loves stats? Do you want to track how much coding you are doing? Here are two options. I actually use both simultaneously


WakaTime will let you know exactly this and more!

You’ll know how much time you spent coding overall and broken down by projects. You’ll also see a breakdown of time by language.

Please be aware they are collecting your data, and if you are concerned about privacy, you can check out the FAQ on privacy here.

The free account will show you your coding for the past 2 weeks.

Should you wish to use this, sign up and then follow these directions to set it up with VS code.

Code Time

There’s this VS Code extension Code Time and its complimentary web service, that will let you know exactly this and more!

You’ll know how much time you spent coding overall and broken down by projects. You’ll also see a breakdown of time by language.

The free account will show you your coding for the past 90 days.

Aaron Young © 2020. All rights reserved.